When you have a cush job, it’s easy to forget to write or update your LinkedIn profile and job descriptions. After all, you’re a rock star at your job, and you don’t see that going away.
But updating regularly is well worth the time. And it’s good for your current employer, too. Other people in your industry can find you easier, and that may lead to great connections for your company.
If you’re a student or just starting out, an up to date job history on LinkedIn is something you should make a priority now.
Have you been putting it on the back burner because you don’t know the best way to have it displayed?
We know just how to help you.
Job descriptions play a vital role in how to best present yourself on LinkedIn, and it’s worth the time to keep them up to date.
Want to learn some job description secrets? You know you do, so let’s get to it.
Take a look at the top five secrets for writing an effective LinkedIn summary.
1. Look at examples to customize descriptions
Are you connected to people in your industry?
If you are, take a look at their job descriptions. You may even be able to see the profiles of people in your industry you have not yet connected with — depending on their profile preferences.
When you locate a few job descriptions, see which words stand out.
The key phrases you keep seeing are likely what the recruiters will look for when hunting for new employees.
Even if you’re already employed, having these key phrases in your job descriptions is vital. Sprinkle the words and phrases throughout your profile, job descriptions, and your “About” section too.
Beyond keywords, see how job descriptions get worded in general. The wording of different summaries will vary, so bear that in mind.
It’s a good starting point to gather ideas, but be sure to keep your profile unique.
2. Include brief yet impressive summaries
When writing a summary of your work beneath your job title, there’s a specific approach you should take.
Don’t just cut and paste from your resume — think of ways to make your LinkedIn profile stand out.
We recommend creating summary blurbs, or rather, short summaries of your work.
Hold on, what exactly are summary blurbs?
Let us explain.
Writing short summaries (rather than pasting your entire resume) is the best way to keep each description concise and to the point.
Follow these steps to develop useful summaries:
Step 1:
Take a look at everything you have on your resume.
Step 2:
Cut your job descriptions and paste them on a document.
Step 3:
Delete what isn’t that relevant to your job (and while you’re at it you might want to get rid of it on your resume as well).
Step 4:
Based on what is left, link together the essential aspects of your job description. Come up with 3–4 sentences that adequately summarize your job and mention related tasks in the same sentence.
3. Don’t just write a job description
You should keep your job descriptions exceptional.
Most people only include their job functions under the company and the dates they worked (or are currently) working for the business.
While it’s essential to list job tasks because it’s relevant to your position, think of ways to go beyond describing basic tasks.
One way to surpass just describing your duties would be to include what you achieved or learned in the workplace.
Another idea is to include challenges you overcame and what you learned from them.
Here’s another great tip:
When you select the company you’re working for, choose the company’s name from the dropdown list.
Is it a small company? Are you self-employed? Create a description of the business that paints an accurate picture for your connections and recruiters.
But remember, you’re not creating a novel. Emphasize how and why this job shaped you and improved your skills as an employee.
It’s essential to figure out how best to distinguish yourself from other profiles on LinkedIn.
4. Ditch the jargon
Sure, using “rock star,” “social butterfly,” and “guru” in your job titles and descriptions might sound like fun, but it won’t make anything stand out.
In fact, it might make job recruiters run the other direction.
Instead, focus on what we just outlined in #3, and be more accurate with your job titles and descriptions.
For instance, you could use the following ideas and phrases:
- Found top talent for our Advertising Program
- Worked on other talent initiatives including performance management and culture initiatives
- Managed training, performance evaluation, and social events for the autumn program
You can’t include the full story of your past and present work, but each title and description should at least provide an accurate synopsis.
5. Add or link to external documents
LinkedIn gives you the option to add or link to several external documents. Examples include photos, sites, videos, and presentations.
That’s a lot of options you should use to your advantage!
If you’re a graphic designer, having a photo of one of the logos you created is a great way to highlight a particular project or job.
Similarly, if you’re a writer, linking to external documents can show off your writing talents to potential recruiters.
After adding links, don’t forget to select “Share with Network.” Do this so that your connections will stay informed of any education changes, work anniversaries, or job changes.
Here are some of the supported files you can include in your profile on LinkedIn:
- PDF .pdf
- Microsoft Word
- .jpg
- .png
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- .tiff
Let’s recap:
By applying these five secrets to writing killer LinkedIn job descriptions, you’ll fashion an impressive story of success.
Yes, we realize that there are more job summary tips out there on the web. However, the main idea is to give recruiters the chance to find you and learn more about your skillset.
If you’re currently employed, it doesn’t hurt to make new connections. Who knows — these new contacts may turn into future job opportunities.
Don’t forget: connecting with other professionals in your field can spark relationships that boost your skillset.
Now it’s your turn to carve out some time to enhance your LinkedIn profile and impress the socks off your connections and recruiters!