Different types of viruses can cause mild conditions like flu, while others can cause potentially severe respiratory problems. Commonly, infectious pathogens are transmitted through surface contact, air, and water. Depending on the organism, viruses can linger for days or weeks if not eliminated, and they are spread throughout healthcare facilities. For instance, pathogens can migrate through contact with infected patients, or they can linger on shoes and clothing. However, the good news is that new technologies can help prevent the spread of many viruses. Read on to learn some of the amazing technologies that hospitals can use to prevent viral transmission.


The medical workers are at high risk of virus infection when they get into contact with infected patients. Robot technology can help mitigate the spread of viruses though it is still developing. Doctors can communicate with the patient via a robot, which helps to minimize exposure. While this technology may not be possible to apply in packed hospitals, it can be a viable option that helps to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria in isolation centers.

Sanitizing Surfaces

Disinfecting the surfaces in hospitals can go a long way in preventing the spread of viruses. Millions of microorganisms are carried on the bottom of shoes to different places. Expert medical practitioners from HealthySole.com explain that chemical disinfectants play a pivotal role in controlling bacteria on healthcare facility floors. H  Automatic, touchless hand sanitizer dispensers are also placed around hospitals so doctors and patients can keep their hands clean after coming in contact with any surfaces.

Video Calling

Lady doctor video calling

Video conferencing is another technology that helps connect healthcare workers and patients in different hospitals. The healthcare providers can check their patients through video calling devices instead of visiting in person. Video calling is a viable method that can help hospital employees to communicate with patients in isolation centers. These tools help to reduce frontline workers’ exposure to different types of viruses. Other technologies can also help track the spread of the virus to contain the transmission levels.

Special Air Purifiers

Common household purifiers use the filter system, and they are not effective for virus control. There are three types of air purifiers that use different technologies to kill germs. The first technology includes the use of UV light to kill infections. The UV light destroys the bonds that keep the viruses together so that they cannot function as cells. This method does not include toxic chemicals, and it can kill drug-resistant bacteria. The second air-purifying way includes the use of Ozone gas, and it kills the virus at the cellular level.

The third air purifying technology involves Negative Ions that are electrically charged molecules or atoms. Most air particles consist of a positive electric charge, so they are attracted to negatively charged electrons. The bond between negative and positive atoms makes them heavier than the surrounding air, so they fall and can be cleaned away.

Software to Identify Viruses

Different types of software can be used to identify potential signs of viruses in healthcare facilities. The new technology helps provide quick information to the frontline workers and other people so that they can take the necessary preventive measures to stop the spread of the virus. Most, if not all, viruses have no cure, and the best way to deal with them is to prevent their spread. Therefore, the quality of information that people have plays a crucial role in reducing the transmission of viruses. Different types of software can be used to gather information and analyze data about viruses.

Fever Detection Technology

This technology can measure body temperature from a distance in hospitals and other crowded places. The system promotes social distancing where healthcare service providers do not get in contact with infected people and thereby preventing the spread of the virus. This technology uses artificial intelligence, and it is connected to a camera. It uses infrared radiation to measure the temperature around the corners of the eyes; this method of detecting viruses is an effective way that helps to screen all the persons arriving at the hospital.

Viruses are mainly transmitted through air, surface contact, as well as water, and they can cause severe health issues, even pandemics like the one we are currently facing. Healthcare workers in different hospitals are at great risk of contracting viruses from infected patients and contaminated surfaces. However, there are new technologies being developed every day that can help minimize or prevent the spread of viruses in hospitals. With the help of modern technology, virus outbreaks can be handled more effectively to safeguard the wellbeing of healthcare workers all over the world.

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