Whether youโ€™ve been working for the same company for years or youโ€™ve just started a new job, understanding your rights in the workplace is essential. Not knowing your rights under labor law standards can lead to unfair treatment or low compensation.

Because people spend most of their lives at work, frequent interactions with bosses and coworkers mean something may go wrong at some point.

An experienced employment lawyer at HKM Employment Attorneys can work with you and your employer to resolve issues and disputes โ€“ whether they involve wages, discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, or workplace safety.

If you are experiencing any of the following issues in the workplace, an employment lawyer can help.

Wrongful Termination

If you feel like you are being forced to resign from your job or have been wrongfully terminated, the best course of action is to speak to an employment lawyer.

If your duties, compensation, or work hours have changed substantially from when you started your position, you could be eligible for constructive dismissal charges.

Discrimination or Harassment

Even though discrimination and harassment are prohibited in the workplace, they are still rife in working environments. If you have been denied benefits and promotions or have been fired or harassed due to your religion, sexual orientation, race, gender, age, or disability, you should seek help from a qualified employment lawyer.

An employment lawyer will be able to evaluate the situation and determine whether you have a case or can file a claim and provide advice on the best way forward.

A Hostile Work Environment

If your coworkers and superiors are making your work environment hostile, you should contact an employment lawyer right away. A working environment that prevents you from doing your job efficiently or feels uncomfortable or unsafe is a hostile work environment.

Signs that you are working in a hostile environment include extreme nepotism, nonverbal and verbal acts of aggression, public shaming, and more.

Retaliation After Whistleblowing

The law has protections in place to ensure that employees are protected from retaliation after whistleblowing or exposing their organizationโ€™s misconduct.

If you speak up about misconduct in your workplace and your employer takes disciplinary or retaliatory action against you, speak to an employment lawyer immediately. Your lawyer will explain the whistleblowing protections in employment law and advise on the following steps to take.

Youโ€™ve Just Been Hired

Employment lawyers arenโ€™t just helpful after being fired; you should also consult a lawyer when you get hired. A lawyer can review your employment contract to ensure everything is above board and that your salary, job title, and duties meet your expectations. Your lawyer will also inform you of your employee rights.

It is critical to analyze a new employment contract and understand your rights and obligations before you sign it. In addition to providing a level of professional scrutiny when reviewing your employment contract, an employment lawyer can also give you legal advice about your workplace codes of conduct and compensation.

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