We are familiar with disseminating information by word of mouth. In the same way, disseminating information through the Internet platform is called Viral Marketing, such as social media networks like Facebook, twitter and even e-mails, blogs, YouTube , web forums. While for small-scale businesses, the viral marketing campaign would be the main campaign. Also it will be a part of a large campaign in a multinational organization. It is especially attractive to smaller businesses or companies because viral marketing may be a cheaper alternative compared to traditional marketing efforts.
Perhaps due to unfamiliar nature with the technology and axiom or purposely ignoring the value of it most of the marketers do not significantly synchronize viral marketing with their integrated marketing campaigns.
Get Ready!
Marketers can stroll leisurely around the marketing campaign by leveraging of existing networks, your friend’s emails and social media accounts, etc. The advantage is like your friend also works as a marketer for you and may share the content through the media.Collect information from you customer database, if still it has not started to collect. Marketers are requested to prepare the customer database immediately with valid information.
Before starting the viral marketing campaign, it is necessary to spend few minutes with your traditional marketing campaign, and check yourself, what it means and how to implement it, the customer feedback and impediments. The marketers are not magicians. It simply says that marketing is set of activities that you put your products on the consumer’s mind positively. However, the subtle blend of customer segments and their behaviour would be the great magic in successful marketing.
Setting Strategies
It is obvious that some simple strategies are working better in the marketplace. You may experience that if something different from others, unique or cheaper than the current market price would be the good topic for discussion among customers. If something offers free, they may not be profitable today or tomorrow, but you can make the best grounds and make the significant gratification of the target group. Investing on such a progarmme, I can give you a commitment that you may end up with profit afterward.A better viral marketing campaign is influenced to excite the customers and involve them: and that understand what it will be benefited to them to feel to get involved. To practice this, you must know the real interest of your customers and use the interest to disseminate information about goods or service which they would be able to pay, but it has discounted for participating in the campaign.
The making excitement of a discounted product or free offers can get the short term involvement to the campaign. Yet, keep in mind if the result is feeling of anger or disappointment, when expected result is not met by the customer, it may be possible to backfire. In considering this, it is important to use proper methods that are honest, truth full, simple and easily understandable.
As a second viral marketing strategy, I would like to say, provide effortless transferable methods in your campaign. From a marketing stance, the goal is to simplify the message, so it can be transmitted easily and without degradation. Shorter is the best. For instance, the advertising links that appear along with Google’s toolbar search results are best effortless information dissemination.
Make sure if it is software to interact with other programs in some form, it should be user-friendly and error- free to impress your customers.
Use common human behaviour and motives and always what drive people is the desire to strike rich, or greed. A hunger is a popular factor among marketers. To be loved, and to be understood, also stand out as key driving human factors. The basic human need creates more viral marketing activities around the world such as millions of websites, e-mails and product promotions.
As in real life, if the virus multiplies and spreads day by, then a large number of customers are infected. Having an idea in advance of the potential growth and making necessary scalability into the viral model is vital to a successful campaign.
The strategy turned out to be wildly successful; making it on a small scale to the large-scale arrangement is required very quickly to support the rapid growth of your viral marketing campaign.
The scientists reveal that each person in the modern society has a network of eight to twelve people in their group of close friends, family and peers. If a person is having a broader network that may increase the chance to scores hundreds, or thousands of people with whom they interact within their personal life, depending on their status which he/she holds in the society.
Marketers need to understand that the power of these human networks, both the strong, close networks as well as the weaker networked relationships.
Having a Plan
It is obvious that it is essential to have a business and marketing strategy and plans for any type of approaches to work successfully. The advertising plan that has created serves as the basis for campaign objectives, initial budget, media plan and a creative concept. Decide whatever the best media to use, word-of-mouth or viral campaigns can be implemented successfully.Get the list of your existing customers and see what have been purchased, what are the interests of them, etc. Define the requirement further if necessary or send them questionnaires to get data.
For instance, if you are running a restaurant, you get the highest profits on lunch. During lunch time you get a rush of incoming customers. By the survey you did, you may find that the rush is from a company that is nearer to your restaurant. You may have an opportunity to further target that group by offering discounts based promotion or by offering free delivery to them, otherwise increasing the business during a profitable time that would go unexploited.
Also, we would not remiss a comment on other substitute methods, where they too can be focused to the efforts to drive your message consumers. In concluding this effort, Viral Marketing, in simple language, word-of-mouth marketing, can be applied in integration with most advertising streams. However, it is most commonly used with the web-based applications.