
When it comes to cooling your home during the summer, there are really no two ways about it. We only want the best stuff for our home. But the best doesn’t always have to mean the most expensive.

If you think there is no way of cutting down costs on your home’s cooling system, we’re here to tell you, you’re wrong. You can save a lot of money on your electricity bills just by using portable air conditioners.

In this article, we will explain to you the top reasons how portable air conditioners can save your electricity bills.

Are Portable Air Conditioners Better than Central units?

Portable Air Conditioners have been a great option for house cooling for a long time. A lot of people start off with portable mini air conditioners when they can’t spend a fortune on a Central cooling unit.

Central cooling units are good for a multitude of reasons, but they are of course a very permanent kind of cooling solution. They take up more room in your house, in your window space, and consume a lot more energy as a whole.

The only time a central unit will be more cost-efficient for you is when you need your home to be thoroughly cooled down all hours of the day, most days of the year. In that case, using a portable AC as your primary source of cooling might not be the best choice.

But unless you live in a very warm area, where it is humid and hot most of the year, a central unit will be more of a bulk than a convenience.

Compared to that, a portable AC unit is a much more efficient, and smart cooling solution for modern homes. They can fit in easily within small studio apartments, trailers, and even RV homes.

They are usable for multiple purposes and can have a positive effect on your high electricity bills. So, unless you are located somewhere predominantly hot and humid, a portable AC unit is definitely the better choice.

How Portable Air Conditioners Save electricity Bills

The fun thing about portable AC units is that they are designed for convenience. They can be easily installed, used, and withdrawn from home without causing much damage or hassle for the user.

They also come with a bunch of added features that make them stand out amongst other cooling choices. The added features are also beneficial in the case of our electricity bills, of course.

The small additional quirks can add up to the bigger advantage of saving you a few bucks on your monthly electricity bills. Let us explain how.

EnstorageInc has some great resources on portable cooling solutions for you to check out.

You don’t need to buy multiple AC units

Consider this. You are living in a smaller house, with standard-sized rooms for a family. Now, portable AC’s are smaller in size. So they obviously stay ahead in your list of priorities.

But the other thing that you overlook is that one portable AC can do the job of multiple fixed AC’s.

As working people, none of us are home all the time. Needless to say, we only use the living area, or common space only when the family is gathered for dinner or over weekends. So, spending cash on installing a big central AC there might prove to be a waste.

Instead, you can use one portable AC to do the job for you. The main feature, portability, comes into play here. You can take the AC to the room where you will be spending your time at. And you can bring it back to your bedroom at night.

Buying an additional vent kit with your portable AC is always a smart choice.

We admit that the back and forth can seem overwhelming, but once you get used to it, it will become a habit. And in turn, you will be saving a considerable amount on your electricity bills.

Strategic Cooling

A portable AC is not just helpful for small homeowners or people who need limited cooling. If you are someone who cannot do without a central cooling system on a day-to-day basis, chances are, your electricity bills are through the roof.

But, don’t you worry. Even you can use a portable AC to manage and lessen your electricity bills.

Portable ACs are great add-ons. What happens with central thermostat cooling is that you have to cool all rooms of the house at the same temperature. This means you have to pay for cooling even the empty rooms just to get a goodnight’s sleep.

This is a great disadvantage in terms of cost. What you can do to work around this small hiccup is using a portable AC as an add-on.

You will keep the thermostat at a normal and comfortable degree of cooling and use an additional portable AC to just keep the occupied rooms cooler.

This is a smart way of using a portable AC to save your electricity bills.

Unobstructed Daylight

Unlike bigger AC’s, portable air conditioning units take up smaller areas, and they leave out a lot of window space. The window space lets in a lot of daylight.

Now, this might seem like an afterthought or a minor detail, but natural daylight is the best source of light. So, if you are obstructing natural light with your AC, you will need to pay more in electricity bills for lighting your home artificially during the day.

But a portable AC lets you enjoy more natural sunlight until the very bleak hours of daytime and save energy costs in smaller ways.


If you read this far, thank you so much for coming along. We are always trying to help you find ways to live the most comfortable life without breaking the bank.

If you read this article carefully and use these tips to the best of your abilities you will definitely be able to save a lot of money. Just by playing it smart you can use portable air conditioners to save your electricity bills. Good luck!

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