There is always room to improve any business, whether through training, planning, scheduling, or updating your website or social media profile or even your customer service. Obviously, you need to get your customers through your front door first, and that can be a tough enough job on its own. However, when you have your potential customer’s attention, you need to know how you can take it further to get the desired result.

To give your business that all-important edge, you need to look a little closer than the flashy company name, beautiful eye-catching website, your fantastically up-to-date SEO, and your amazingly active social media profile.

You need to look at the user experience your customers are getting from your website, and reputable companies like are the places to go for this vital information.

Ensure that your website is easy to navigate

Ensure that your website has all the options your potential customer or viewer will need, and they are available and clearly visible. Ensure that you do not have any extra unneeded buttons, which could cause distractions, or buttons leading to empty pages, as this will give an unprofessional feel to your site.

Update information regularly

Do not let your website go stale. Keep updating information about your company and the products or services you offer. Make sure you link your website to your social media page and vice versa. This will allow your customers and viewers to have a good look at your business and make an informed judgment on whether they wish to give you their custom. It will also keep things nice and current and look like you are up to date with affairs.

Check your loading speed

Check that the loading speed of your pages is fast enough. If you find that it is running slow, this could be down to the amount of data being transferred, more than likely from a picture or photo file being way too big. If your pages are too slow to load, your visitor or potential customer will grow bored and click away. People are in a hurry or a rush and do not want to be hanging around for a website to load even if they think it is precisely what they want.

Ensure you have a contact us page

Always make sure you have a ‘contact us’ option, preferably with a couple of ways to contact you available. Not everyone wants to be only able to send an email that can be answered as and when. Some people like to speak to a human, to hear a voice on the phone, and have their inquiry answered straight away. It may be handy to have a ‘meet the team’ area somewhere around the contact us page so that those who do decide to get in touch can visualize who it is they are talking to.

Get (and respond to) feedback

Ask your visitors or potential customers to leave feedback on their experience of your website and/or customer service, and make sure you act on any issues which arise. Let the people who fill out the feedback forms know that this is for you and your company to improve and not necessarily be published on-site, but that all issues will be looked into.