If you’re reading this – you probably encountered a situation, when you received a really, really short phone call. One of the sort, when you didn’t even manage to get up from your chair – and it was over. Have you considered calling back? Better check the number before doing so. Of course, it might be harmless – telephone mistake or loss of coverage. But, on the other hand, it might also be a scam.
How to react on a short phone call?
If the call was too short to be answered and you don’t know the number – better don’t call back. You can safely assume that if it was a simple loss of coverage and the matter was important – your interlocutor will call you back. When he doesn’t – just ignore the whole thing.
Second option, if you have a free minute or two, is to check out the number on a free reverse phone lookup page, such as https://phoneslookup.com. Here you can safely check, whether the number is safe or not with all the needed details. The base of numbers contains many positions from all over the world and it’s up to date.
Such a short phone call might be a simple mistake, uncharged battery or many more things. What else can it be?
Market research of numbers
Companies have got their number bases, but sometimes – they want to update it by checking, which numbers are still active, and which are not. The short signal is enough for them: their systems mark the number as active and they do not bear any costs: the phone call is too short for you to pick it up anyway.
International scam
Also, many of those calls are just simple scams. Those who made the call benefit from you calling back and the connection comes from a far country. The most popular destinations for Poland are Costarica (+506), Falkland Islands (+500), Nicaragua (+505), Panama (+507). In general, the idea is to use a prefix, which is similar to cell phone numbers in the country. Most of the people just don’t look closely and see a number close to the native one – they call back.
Second idea of scammers is using numbers, which are similar to the biggest town’s prefixes. I.e., Warsaw’s prefix is 22, and the Ivory Coast’s – 225. We can assure you – if you don’t pay close attention, it might get costy for you.
Under all those suspicious numbers hide premium foreign telephone lines and the cost of calling back there might go up to one thousand zloty. This is the reason you should stay distrustful, when you see an unknown number on your cell phone.
What to do?
Never call back without a second thought. If you don’t have time to check out the number on the reverse phone lookup page – better assume it was a mistake or an uncharged battery. Otherwise – this person would call again.
On the other hand, you might check out the number. After all – the call might have been coming from the tax office (sometimes they call again, sometimes not) or clinics. Page https://phoneslookup.com/ is a great and simple place to check, whether it’s safe to call back or not. Base of the numbers is very extensive and the usage – simple and intuitive.