All employees deserve to feel and be safe in their workplace. Therefore, employers should keep the work environment safe and ensure that it is not dangerous or unhealthy. In many cases, employers fail to create a safe work environment, putting workers’ lives at risk. Nonetheless, employees can still be injured even if the necessary precautions are taken. In case you or a family member encounters an accident at work, there are a few things you should do immediately afterward. In this article, we provide 6 mandatory steps you should follow after being injured at work.

1. See a Doctor

No matter how minor your injury seems to be, you must see a doctor right after the incident. If you ignore medical care, the injury can become more serious. Find the nearest medical center to examine your injury. Report all the details of the accident to your doctor so they can fill a report and document it in your medical records. In addition, your doctor should indicate the severity of the injury and how it may affect your mobility and performance.

2. Document Everything

You should take pictures of the incident scene, together with photos of your injuries. Make sure you obtain the contact information of the witnesses of the incident. Keep copies of all documents and bills related to your injury, along with dates of doctor visits, medical expenses, and the number of days you were unable to go to work due to your injury. Documenting the details of the accident is crucial as it will be helpful when it comes to claiming your compensation.

3. Inform Your Employer

Once you have received the necessary medical assistance, you must inform your employer about the accident. The sooner you report it to your manager, the better your chances of obtaining compensation are. Generally, you must report the accident on the same day or during the first few days to safeguard your rights. From there on, your employer should file an application for workers’ compensation insurance, referring to the information on FendonLaw, to log an official report of the injury. Moreover, all of your medical expenses should be covered once your employer files a claim for compensation. However, if your employer overlooks reporting your incident, you have the right to sue them and hold them financially accountable.

4. Know What Your Rights Are

When you are injured on the job, you’re entitled to receive certain rights. First of all, you have the right to file a claim for compensation for your injury. Ideally, your employer is the one to report the accident. However, if this is not the case, with the help of your lawyer, you can still do it. You also have the right to receive any necessary medical treatment. If your physician eventually determines that you’re healthy and fit to resume your usual tasks, you should return to your current job. Yet, if your injury prevents you from getting back to work, permanently or temporarily, you should receive disability compensation. In the event that you’re not satisfied with the decisions of your employer or the compensation court, you can hire an attorney to represent you in the whole process.

5. Hire a Professional Attorney

The process of claiming compensation is stressful and overwhelming. Insurance companies will make every effort to use the recorded documents against you. Therefore, you need an attorney to help you file a compensation claim. A professional lawyer can handle the documentation and submission of the claim forms and haggle with the insurance company. They will also ensure that you get the medical treatment you need until you are fully recovered from your injury, and guarantee your salary during treatment. Moreover, your attorney will support you throughout this hectic process and will try to get you the highest compensation.

6. Realize the Disqualifiers

If an employee uses drugs or alcohol, their injuries are not covered by workers’ compensation insurance. In the event that you were drunk or intoxicated during the accident, your injuries are not covered. That’s why employers usually request a drug test. The company needs to know that the compensation you’re receiving is legitimate. Plus, if you were injured on a commute or because of a fight, the injury won’t be covered too.

Work injuries can be as small as a scratch, but can sometimes be serious, drastically affecting the lives of employees. Because accidents can unexpectedly happen at any time, you must be prepared for the steps you need to take afterward. Save these tips, so you will have a reference of the steps to follow should you get hurt on the job.