Blogger outreach is a process you will need to master if you want to grow your blog more efficiently. It is the process of reaching out to people (literally, it’s in the name), with the goal of promoting your blog content.

You can contact people asking them to share, promote your content, or simply give you their opinion. Today, we will be concentrating on how to reach out to bloggers and get them to promote you.

Btw, link building is also part of it, and to do it you will need the help of the best link building tools.

There are many ways and strategies of doing outreach, so let’s start with one of the most popular, most commonly referred to as the skyscraper technique.

The Premise Is Finding Content Influencers Share and Making More, Better

I know it can sound a little bit far out there. How do you just make something better than already awesome content? I will explain.

First, you have to really dig through your niche and find the most popular blog posts. Compile them into a list and see which ones got shared the most. Look through influencer profiles and see what they have shared in the past. Use tools like to more easily find the emails you need to write to later.

Now, your goal is to outperform that content. How? The best way to go about it is to increase the size. So, for example, someone shared a 1000-word guide on how to make the perfect sandwich (I’m joking, of course, just imagine it said something relevant to the niche you write in). Read it, note what they missed, and write a 1500-word one or even bigger.

Then, you can write that blogger an email introducing yourself and saying something along the lines of:

“Hi! I was reading your tweets and, to my surprise, saw that you shared a guide on how to make the perfect sandwich!

I actually have one of my own, and it’s bigger and better, so if you enjoy that type of content, give it a look!

I would love to hear your thoughts on it!”

You can ask them to share it as well, but I don’t advise you to do that. If they genuinely like it, they will do it on their own. Just be polite and follow the email conversation. Don’t try to shove your content up people’s faces.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is even simpler in some ways. It is a transaction of sorts, except there’s no money involved. What you’re doing is offering a piece of content to another blogger.

Nobody has a real reason to turn down a perfectly good blog post or article for pretty much free. The only thing the other blog has to give you is a link back in your bio description, and it doesn’t take much to do it.

The downside is, though, that it is pretty time-consuming to write whole articles for a single link. But, if they get posted on high-authority websites, you have the potential of getting huge traffic boosts, so it is definitely worth doing. To find out the domain ratings and authorities of any sites you can use the Ahrefs authority checker, for example.

It is also one of the surest ways of getting a backlink.

Link to Your Sources

This is something you should be doing regardless of outreach goals. When you’re doing research for your new article, give credit to all of the sources you got your information from.

As for outreach, you can contact those sources and let them know you’ve linked to them, or you could always get help from a quality blogger outreach service like OutreachMama and see the results coming in. Play around with the email formula until you figure out which one gets the most responses.

Your sources will be much more likely to share or promote content that has a link pointing to their own blog. It is beneficial for both sides.

Most Importantly, Keep Track of Bloggers that Share External Content

Since they’ve shared something from the outside before, they are much more likely to repost your own content. There are countless ways of doing outreach, but what I’ve talked about today should at least give you a general idea of what you should be doing.

I hope you learned something from me, and good luck with your blogger outreach campaign and content promotion.

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