These tips below will be greatly helpful to overcome your fear in being in the spotlights.
1. Stop comparing yourself to others
Sometimes your ambitions are different from each other. That’s what makes you unique in your journey towards success.
2. Insecurity makes it worse
3. Change is never bad
Change is always good, even if it’s not what we expect. On your way to success, it is obvious that you have to adapt to a new life. You might loose many friends of yours in the journey uphill. Sometimes it is a small change, but for some, it may seem to be a whole new lifestyle. Adapting isn’t easy but it is not something you have to fear for. As to one of the former presidents of United States- John F. Kennedy- had once said,‘Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future’
Your success is your future. Change is the initiation for a happy, beautiful life. Stand up higher than your fear and success won’t be seemed scary.
4. Failure only makes you stronger
As human beings, it is natural that we make mistakes. And all of us may not get it right in the first try itself, but that is barely a reason to give up. Success has no limitations. On the road of success, you may find your obstacles quiet hard than you thought it would be, but it cannot be considered as a failure. Even if you do fall down a couple of times, there is nothing to worry about, it only suggests you ways and techniques that would not work- making your options clear.As the famous Fashion Designer and founder of ‘Chanel ’brand – Coco Chanel had said,
‘Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.’
The road towards success may look like a thorny path but the end of it is a better place built with lifelong dreams. There is no reason to fear success but admire it, dream about it, work hard and nothing would be impossible.