The hourly fee of a business lawyer ranges from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars, depending on the type of business and the provided services. Stable businesses might not have a problem when hiring legal advisors for their companies. However, businesses that are struggling or are at a small scale find it very difficult to get advice, mostly due to the hefty hourly fees that they could end up paying. Fortunately, there are ways you can utilize to find legal advice which can even be given free of cost. Let’s jump right into the four tested ways you can look for legal advice and services without the hassle.

1. Look For Legal Workshops

To maintain their licenses, lawyers have to provide several hours of free services every year. In case a lawyer fails to comply with working pro bono, the relevant licensing authorities can implement fines or even cancel the lawyer’s license. To avoid these problems, lawyers offer their free services through various workshops and legal aid clinics. Here is a shortlist of places where you can find legal advice and consultation services.

  • Public Offices: Courts, libraries, and offices of non-profit organizations host these workshops to help the lawyers complete their free work hours, and provide an opportunity for the public to avail these legal services. Please keep in mind that these events are hosted mostly to clarify any doubts and obtain legal advice from lawyers who volunteer to participate. Meeting a lawyer and discussing your problem will not mean that you will be represented by the same attorney in your case.
  • Law Schools: Contact the law schools in your city as most of these institutions have legal aid clinics that can facilitate you in your legal matters.
  • Bar Associations: Most bars offer free legal services on daily legal matters, especially for families with low incomes. Get in touch with your local bar office and ask whether they provide these facilities or not.

Do your homework and contact the relevant places before you go to pay a visit. Searching your bar association’s online directory will also help in figuring the legal options you can avail of near your area.

2. Free Consultation

Most law firms and attorneys offer free consultation services to fulfill the pro bono requirements. You can find several firms and lawyers offering initial consultations in their physical offices and over the internet. The law specialists at suggest taking into account the legal problem you want advice for and try finding the relevant lawyer catering specifically for it. For example, if you had a road accident or have witnessed a family member being a victim of medical malpractice, then an injury lawyer is the one you should consult with. You can always ask the lawyer providing you a free consultation about their experience in dealing with issues such as yours. Ask them to give a rundown of your case so that you understand how your case will proceed further. If you are satisfied with their consultation, you have the option to contact them further to represent your case in court. In most everyday legal cases, the guidance provided through free consultation is enough and can help in resolving the issue. However, complicated cases require further follow-up and appointments. The best way to find a lawyer fit for your case is by doing research and at least consulting a few attorneys if you have time.

3. Contingency Fee Structure

Instead of the traditional hourly fee, lawyers now offer their services and receive payments according to the agreed-upon fee structure. In this benefiting option, you have the liberty to pay the attorney their fee after you win the case and receive the money from the claim you made. Search online or visit your bar association to find which lawyers offer a contingency fee structure.

4. Legal Assistance Services

If you are really bad at finding the required information, then hiring a legal assistance service might be the answer. These services facilitate you in finding lawyers, provide advice, and suggest the things you have to do to resolve your legal matters. Some online legal services are free, whereas some provide their services for a very low price. However, if you have the brains and are interested in law, then joining online legal courses will also help in figuring out the basic steps you have to take when involved in legal issues.

While you can choose to avail of free consultation services offered by several lawyers, choosing the one relevant to your problem matters. There are several options to find the proper legal representation you are looking for. So make sure to research your options thoroughly. Pick wisely and always abide by the laws to protect yourself and others from harm.