Once you know you have found that perfect someone you want to share your life with, you will want to tie the knot and make it official. And of course, you want the proposal to be unique and memorable, and live up to your beloved`s expectations.
You also want to amaze her and show her how much you love her. To stage the perfect proposal, make sure to carefully read the tips below as they will clue you in on the most important aspects of this special occasion.
So, let’s start from the beginning: her majesty the ring!
1. Choose a Ring as Special as Your Loved One Is!
When the engagement ring is mentioned, how much you should spend on it pops up. Spending more than you can afford is outdated, as is the 1 to 3 months salary worth rule. With today’s market, you don’t have to start your marriage in debt.
Tiffany, Cartier, and other recognized companies invest millions in marketing campaigns, meaning you pay more for the ring.
On the other hand, online shops like https://moonmagic.com/ offer unique pieces of magical gemstone jewelry at fair prices. Even better, the hand-selected, authentic, and brilliant gemstones in this high-quality jewelry are as special as your girlfriend is!
Just make sure to do plenty of research, as there are different cuts, settings, ring sizes, types of gemstones, etc. Take time to get to know your partner`s style and preferences as you want to get her the ring she will adore.
2. Romantic Ways to Propose
The most important thing is to make the proposal special, unique, and attuned to your beloved`s personality. When planning for your perfect proposal, consider whether your wife-to-be is more of a public person or she values privacy, and decide whether to make it exclusive and private or to propose in front of a crowd.
To set the scene for the romance, opt for an unforgettable location like her favorite city, park, a beach, or another place with an incredible view.
A spot of special personal significance, like a cafe where you had your first date or expressed your love for one another, is also an excellent choice.
3. Extravagant proposals
A destination proposal like a dreamy escape to Venice, Rome, or Paris is perfect for lovers, and it will surely sweep your beloved off her feet. Proposing your sweetheart in a breathtaking garden in Kyoto under cherry blossom trees is sure to create a lifetime memory.
An exclusive terrace or a rooftop in Paris, or another magnificent private venue gives you more control over the situation than public spots.
You can personalize the proposal setting according to your vision and add candles, flowers or rose petals, the music of your choice, or anything else you feel your girlfriend would enjoy.
When acquiring a private venue, you get more intimacy, and the freedom to show vulnerability and your true feelings.
4. Consider Documenting Your Surprise Proposal
An experienced professional will deliver gorgeous pictures documenting one of the most special moments in your relationship. When it comes to the price, they vary significantly depending on location and the photographer`s expertise.
An hour session with a good proposal photographer will cost you from $350 to $650.
Look for photographers on Instagram, Pinterest, and authoritative wedding blogs. It is best to request a couple of full proposal galleries to narrow down your list.
What`s most important when it comes to proposing is for it to be creative and meaningful. If you are unsure about some aspects of the proposal, you can include your partner`s best friend to organize a perfect marriage proposal you will remember for years to come.