If you’ve been with your partner a while and you spend a lot of time at each other’s homes, there will likely come a time when moving in together becomes the logical next step. However, if you go about it the wrong way, it can lead to heartbreak down the line. To help you start off with cohabitation the right way, continue reading below.

Be Vulnerable and Communicate

Moving in with a partner means allowing yourself to be 100% vulnerable, which means embracing parts of yourself where confidence is lacking and letting others respond. Don’t be afraid to talk about your feelings openly – your new home with your partner should be a safe space where you can unapologetically be yourself. To get started, have a meaningful conversation about any worries and fears you may have about moving in, and then build a plan together for overcoming them.

Trial Living Together First

Moving in together is a significant commitment because you’ll be reliant on each other financially. Before signing on the dotted line, consider having a trial month first. Even though it may mean wasting a month of rent, it will give you time to adjust, learn, and let your guard down.

Talk About Sleeping Arrangements

Everyone has different strategies for falling asleep, and not everyone is 100% compatible when it comes to getting shuteye in the same bed. Have an open discussion about which side of the bed you prefer to be in, whether you sleep to music, with the TV on, or in complete darkness/silence.

You can also address the issue of snoring, which can be a friction point in many relationships. Luckily, there are ways to put a stop to it and get a better night’s sleep. However, you have to stop guessing about snoring and use an app to track your snoring and offer suggested causes and solutions.

Create Fair Routines

There are a lot of household tasks to be managed, and it’s only fair that you both get involved. For example, you’ll both be eating meals but it’s not right that one person has to cook or wash the dishes. Try setting clear routines for who will be taking care of what task. A great way to do this is by coming up with a weekly chart to hang on the fridge.

Set Clear Boundaries

Unless you’ve had experience living with a partner before, you’ll likely assume you can continue to live the same as you did beforehand. However, you should note that this won’t make for a happy life together. To avoid issues, have an open discussion about boundaries. For example, while it’s healthy to have friends and socialize, it’s disrespectful to have a spontaneous party at the weekend without talking to your partner; they may have to be up early or maybe feeling ill. By communicating, you can agree on the best time to have friends over.

Make Sure You Both Feel at Home

It doesn’t matter if you’re moving into a new home together or you’re coming together in one of your existing homes, you have to make sure you both feel at home. This might mean having to make sacrifices like turning a game room into a home office. Alternatively, it may mean taking some of the decor down and allowing room for both personalities.

Living with a partner can be one of the best experiences in life, but it has to be handled properly to make sure there’s no unnecessary drama. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be on the right track to a happy life together.

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