Noticing Unwanted Veins?

Perhaps you’ve noticed odd lumps and discolored veins in your legs and thighs when you look in the mirror. If you’ve never noticed them before, then you may be worried that something is wrong with your body. Before you run off to the ER, however, you’re likely just fine. Veins that seem to be discolored or bulging against your skin are simply known as varicose veins. They occur when the valve system in your body is malfunctioning.

Essentially, your veins is a network that runs through your body offering blood and nutrients to your organs and tissues. They all connect to your heart. Throughout your body, there are valves that help turn a vein on and or off much like a sink. These valves can limit the amount of blood that passes through the vein. In cases of varicose veins, the valve is malfunctioning. This can be due to a lot of pressure being placed on those veins that can rupture or damage the valve.

In particular, the veins in your legs are the ones most subject to developing varicose veins. This is especially true for those who stand a lot during the day. All of that standing provides a lot of stress and pressure on the veins within your legs. Although varicose veins can occur anywhere in your body, the most prevalent cases are those in your legs.

Luckily, there are methods for how to remove varicose veins.

Problems With Varicose Veins

For most people suffering from the condition, the problem is typically only a cosmetic one. However, because varicose veins are quite visible, this can cause a lot of distress for certain individuals. They’re a blemish that many people may be ashamed of or dislike seeing on their otherwise healthy body.

For others, varicose veins may actually cause some mild forms of pain. It can make the skin feel itchy, for one. However, it typically makes you feel as though your legs are cramping or achy. In some cases, you may even notice that the area around the varicose vein is swollen or that you feel a burning sensation. Clearly, such people who are suffering from discomfort will wish to seek a remedy for the situation.


There are numerous forms of treatment for varicose veins. Most of them are usually non-invasive and can be performed quite easily. For those who suffer from severe varicose veins, however, you may need a more pronounced treatment. Ablation treatment for veins, for example, is an effective treatment that can cut away the damaged valve. If something is blocking the vein, then an ablation treatment for veins is the best option for you.

Sclerotherapy is another popular choice of varicose treatment. In this procedure, a doctor simply adds a solution into the troubled vein. This solution works to seal the vein and close it, so it is no longer able to receive blood. Your body will naturally divert the required blood to another vein. Over time, the varicose vein will fade and then be gone entirely.

One last treatment that is popularly used is the use of laser treatment. In this procedure, doctors use light energy to damage the vein just enough so that it is destroyed naturally. This is a non-invasive procedure.