Do you want to calculate the grades of students effortlessly? Use the easy grader tool to have the quickest results. You have to follow simple steps to use this tool. So if you haven’t used this tool for calculating the grades before, then keep on reading this guide.
This grading calculator is available online. Plus, you can download the test grade calculator in android or iOS devices. You don’t need to calculate the grade of one student for hours now because the easy grade is here to help all the teachers. The easy grader is also known as the quick grade app.
How To Use An Easy Grader?
First of all, after opening this tool, you have to enter the number of tasks that were in the test or exam.
Secondly, you need to enter the score of questions that were attempted wrong by the student.
These two steps should be done properly so you can have accurate results. Besides that, you can press the reset button for calculating the results of the next exam.
Some people have confusion about calculating the marks of the next assessment. They can press the + 1 button for calculating the marks of the next assessment or exam. You can also reset the tool by pressing the R or W button from the keypad.
There is a quick chart button on the easy grader that you can use as a reference. However, the easy grader will calculate the marks without any mistake if you have followed the instructions that we told you above. Besides, there can be a mistake while typing from the keyboard so you can double-check before marking the final results of the student.
There are some easiest steps that you need to follow for using the easy grader app. Moreover, you have to reset the tool for calculating the results of the next student. Besides, there are several tools available on the market that are challenging to use.
However, another grade calculator app requires downloading charges, but the easy grader is free of cost for iOS and Android users. It will save you time and provide reliable results in no time.
To Sum Up
All in all, you can calculate the grades of the whole class in less time. This tool is available on the app store for iOS users. The easy grader Application requires $0.99 only. Best of all, you can increase the size of the text for fitting more results in one screen at a time from the easy grader.
The easy grader app is popular worldwide to calculate the results in a few seconds now. This application is helpful for all the teachers, and it eliminates the stress of teachers to calculate the results of several students in a day before the parent-teacher meeting.