Keeping up appearances means more than simply maintaining certain decorum. It entails looking at the part at all times too. This includes grooming, attire, and of course the behavior that comes with it all. When dressing to impress a girl, maturity should be first on the list. Do not go overboard trying to impress with clothes, but always refrain from looking like a teenager.

For men, it is slightly easier to impress with attire than with women. After meeting your soul mate, perhaps an exotic bride on, love will be in the air. Consequently, you will need to dress to impress, or lose chances of long-term love, forever.

Let Clothes do the Talking

Impress with looks, speech, and attire. Once your presentation is decent, speech can take a back seat. Flirting excessively becomes unnecessary once looks are handled right. Be sure to add on some decent cologne spray and you are set. It takes a little tweaking here and there, especially if you are used to wearing shorts. Here are a few tips to guide you into the world of impressing girls.

Fitting Clothes

Skinny jeans might not be the favorite of many, but fitting jeans and pants work wonders. If you are lean, skinny, or medium built, it is better to find fitting clothes than baggy ones. Gone are the days of boy band attire, with sagging and baggy jeans, along with heavy, large-sized tees. Unless your date insists on this age-old trend, avoid it completely.


On a first date at a five-star hotel or a candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant, it is better to have a tux or at least a decent blazer. Rocking khakis everywhere you go or the same tees you wear to the beach cannot be deemed appropriate. It also shows a lack of creativity or caring. If you cannot be bothered to select appropriate attire for specific functions, she might find you immature, or just boring.


If it is sunny out, by all means, grab sunglasses. They are fitting for function and aesthetics. Please don’t rock sunglasses at night; celebs do that and it is unimpressive. It is also immature and shows a lack of creativity. Bowties and cufflinks are perfect for a ball, or when meeting her folks for the first time. Avoid tee shirts unless you have polo shirts to rock with khakis.


Loafers are trendy, can be worn to church, five-star hotels, or the beach. However, not all loafers are created equal. Boat shoes are not ideal loafers; they come in cheap-looking designs scary to most women. Surprisingly, ladies notice shoes soon after meeting you. Be sure to rock decent loafers, dress shoes, and avoid sandals. These might be comfortable but they should be laziness, surfer-type boys with no plans.

What to Avoid

On dressing to impress girls there is little mentioned on what NOT to wear. It is easy to point out fashion trends worth trying out, but what of things to avoid altogether?


Rocking Polo shirts, as mentioned earlier, is a trend that never fades. However, when you wear politically-oriented shirts, advertising love for republican parties or others, it’s unbecoming. Rocking heavy metal tees or shirts commemorating some revolution should be avoided too. The old saying; keep it simple, stands true with women and everywhere else.


Avoid being flashy, which includes heavy jewelry, earrings, or gold bracelets. Even if you can afford it, simple is the way to go. Additionally, ladies love someone with humility; not arrogance or narcissism. If you wear excess jewelry, it means the attention should be on you. If you have to rock jewelry, find a silver bracelet and a decent watch.

Make merry with ladies from all over the world and keep the dates coming with the right attire. It may surprise you that how you dress can be a magnet or a repellent. Keep it simple.

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