We got to know each other in a modern way – that’s what it was called when a person met a partner on the Internet 15 years ago. It has long been ordinary for people nowadays, though. Because a huge change has taken place: having a dating app on your smartphone or being a member of an online matchmaking platform is no longer unusual.
Anyone who talks about getting to know each other on the Web no longer gets irritated comments from relatives and friends. Time and millions of examples have proven – it really works. Still, even today, there are plenty of men and women who don’t believe in online partner search. For this reason, together with the representatives of the website https://goldenbride.net/russian-brides.html, we decided to write this article. Here you can find the statistics that prove – everything is real if you sincerely want it.
- There are more than 17 million adult males and females in 2021 who are single.
- More than 8000 different dating sites and apps are available today. The largest groups are apps for flirting and chatting and platforms for finding a partner for life. The casual dating portals for non-binding sex are a bit less popular. There also are websites for particular groups of people: for example, specially created for vegans, sports fans, or music lovers.
- The best time to go online and search for love/send messages is Sunday evening – this is where most of the singles are open for communication! By the way, the evening hours, in general, are the most popular time to chat and flirt on the Web. In this way, you can get a quick response.
- The winter months are the best time of the year to find your soulmate with the help of online dating. This time of the year is full of fascinating holidays. It includes, of course, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. This explains the presence of more active users and a large number of newcomers.
- To ensure the best possible results – you should upload at least 4-5 photos to your dating profile. Just so you know: the decision of whether someone perceives you attractive is usually made within a few seconds.
- Profiles in which both components (pictures and self-description) are present – are viewed as more trustworthy. And are therefore more successful.
- The personality tests that could be found in matchmaking platforms – are mostly based on the so-called 5-factor model. It is openness, responsibility, extraversion, adaptability, and emotionality. This approach helps to determine the best matches for each user.
- The majority of online love-seekers are looking for a committed relationship and marriage, so the chances of finding someone who is as serious as you are high.
- Those who meet online are happier than couples who have met in real life. It confirms the lower divorce rate among them.
- It works well with men when women take the first step in online dating. The first message, however, should be creative and personal.
- More than 64 percent of males and females worldwide who are now in love – got to know each other through the Internet. It includes various ways: social networks, apps like Tinder, and classic dating agencies like GoldenBride. It is particularly popular among singles aged 30 to 39.
What we wanted to say today is that online dating really works. There are plenty of studies that confirm this statement. However, one thing is always the same: people looking for a partner online simply want to find someone they can be happy with. How – is ultimately not so important. So if you don’t have a life companion yet – try it already today!