The Antarctic is one of the world’s most remote and desolate regions. There are no full-time residents or communities there because it is mostly uninhabitable. The only people that do live there are scientists, who live there for very short periods of time, just so they can perform research.
If you are interested in visiting the Antarctic, then you’ll be pleased to know that it’s possible to do so by cruise ship. You will not be able to step foot on Antarctic soil (or ice) though. This post will tell you how you can effectively plan a productive trip there.
Booking Cruise
As mentioned already in this post’s introduction, the only way to get to the Antarctic is via cruise ship. Some companies offer flyovers of the Antarctic, but that’s nowhere near as interesting or personal as taking a cruise is. Taking a cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula will give you an opportunity to see it in a way very few people have ever seen before. You’ll be standing on the deck of a ship, overlooking one of the most barren and remote places on the planet. You’ll also get an opportunity to see rare and interesting animals.
Brown Bluff
Although in this post’s introduction, reference was made to the fact that you are not able to step foot on Antarctic soil, that is not necessarily true. There is one part of Antarctica that people are able to get out and walk on, called Brown Bluff. However, very few tour operators actually take people there. If you are interested in walking around Antarctica, then look for a guide that’s willing to take you ashore. You do need to watch out for leopard seals if you’re going to get out and walk around though since they are highly aggressive.
Packing Clothes
Antarctica’s cold. Although you will be traveling on a heated cruise ship, there will be times when you will be out on the deck. If you go with a company that takes you up onto Brown Bluff, then it’s even more important to bring warm clothing. If you do not, your experiences outside of the ship’s interior will be very unpleasant. You can buy and order thermal clothing online. The ship you are traveling on might have its own store where you can buy clothes during the cruise.
Creating Itinerary
Even though you are going to be traveling to Antarctica on a cruise ship, it’s still a good idea to create a travel itinerary. You will be able to see the cruise’s itinerary by visiting the tour provider’s website. Then, you can create your own around this. Bear in mind, modern cruise ships have lots of amenities. There will be lots of things to do aboard the ship you’re traveling on, like going swimming, listening to live music, eating good food, and even watching films in the ship’s cinema. Create your own itinerary so you can get as much done on your trip as you can.
Bringing Friends
If you’re going to be going on a cruise alone, then why not invite friends or family? Traveling to Antarctica alone can definitely be fun, but it’ll be a lot more enjoyable if you bring along the people that you love. Bear in mind, the vast majority of people you see on cruises will be old couples or families. There won’t be many single people. You might end up being the only one, so try to avoid going alone if you can.
Quality Photographs
Take a camera with you, too. The Antarctic is unlike anywhere else on Earth. If you do not have a camera with you, then you won’t be able to quality photographs. A lack of quality photographs will mean you have nothing to show your loved ones when you come back. It does need to be noted though, if you have a smartphone (which you probably do) then you’ll be able to use your phone to take pictures. Bear in mind though, the pictures taken by your phone will be nowhere near as high-quality as the ones you could take with a proper camera.
Making Memories
One of the reasons that it’s so important to take your loved ones with you when you go on a cruise to Antarctica is that you’ll make incredible memories together. Life is all about memories. While a trip to Antarctica alone will still be unforgettable, it won’t be anywhere near as special as it would be if you had your loved ones with you. Making memories is something that a lot of people overlook. Rather than going on vacation to make special memories, they want to go and party. Use your trip to Antarctica as an excuse to create lifelong memories with the people that you love.
Documenting Trip
If you keep a diary, then why not document your trip? Documenting your trip is a good way to ensure you do not forget things about it. You can take pictures to accompany the notes that you make. If you’re going to keep a diary of your trip, then make sure that you organize your photos to correspond with certain diary entries. You can do this by numbering your photos and entries. When you get home, you can then print these photos out and attach them to your diary or notebook.
Expensive Cabin
If you can afford to, then get the most expensive cabin that you can. The more expensive your cabin, the better the views will be. Good cabins tend to overlook the Antarctic. If you get a cheap cabin, you could be on the other side of the ship or could have no window at all. An expensive cabin might cost you thousands of dollars, but it’s an investment worth making. You’ll get an incredible view over the Antarctic and will be able to take amazing photographs. You may be able to get a deal on an expensive cabin by booking early.
If you enjoy traveling, then why not visit Antarctica, one of the world’s most remote and unexplored regions? Antarctica can be an expensive place to visit, but it’s worth the money. It’s somewhere most people have never been.