Light is the most essential part of our everyday life. The sun gives us light and heat, while lamps and other light sources help us see in the dark. However, light is not just a necessity โ€“ it can also be used for a variety of purposes beyond seeing and lighting up our surroundings Light with good quality makes all the difference and helps our world be more beautiful and lively. Everything is beautiful when light is around. Therefore, here are some interesting uses of light that you might not be aware of.

Brightening Up The Stadium Field

During a football game or any other sporting event, the field can be quite dark since the spectators are in the way of the light. To help viewers see the action better, some stadiums have started to use bright LED lights to illuminate the field. This not only makes it easier for people to see what’s going on, but it also looks impressive and can create an exciting atmosphere. Stadium lights are ascended at different heights depending on the sport being played and the size of the venue. Beam angles, of which you can read more here, also depend on the size of the field and the height of the arena. During the day, the field is typically lit by natural light. However, it is possible to switch them on at certain points of a match depending on how much sunlight there is.

Helping With Plant Growth

Light is a good source of energy for plants. That’s why they use photosynthesis to turn light into chemical energy which they need to grow and multiply. However, it is not just any type of light that can help them โ€“ they have certain requirements for the wavelengths of light needed for photosynthesis. For example, red and blue light is most optimal for plant growth according to the results of many studies. Many companies produce LED lights designed specifically for this purpose based on the needs of different plants. Many plants can be grown using artificial light in the absence of natural sunlight. This is done by providing them with light in the red and blue parts of the spectrum, which are the wavelengths most important for plant growth.

Helping Astronauts Orient Themselves in Space

Without light, it would be very difficult for astronauts to orient themselves in space. This is because they rely on light to measure distances and track their location relative to other objects. To help them with this, NASA has created a special type of light called a photonic lantern. This device emits light in all directions, allowing astronauts to determine their position by detecting the reflections of the light off surrounding surfaces. Photonic lanterns are also being used to create 3D maps of planets and other objects in space. Also,  they can be used to study the atmospheres of other planets and determine their chemical compositions.

Surface Disinfection

UV light is known to be very effective in disinfecting surfaces. It is often used in hospitals and other medical facilities to kill harmful bacteria. This is because UV light can penetrate deep into surfaces and destroy the DNA of the bacteria. There are several ways to use UV light for disinfection, such as using special lamps or installing UV LEDs in fixtures. Hospitals are not the only places where this technology can be used โ€“ it can also be helpful in schools, prisons, and other public places where hygiene is a concern. Also, since UV light does not damage non-biological surfaces, this type of disinfection is considered to be safer than traditional methods.

Heating Objects

Light can also be used to heat objects. This is done by focusing light onto an object and using it to create heat. One way to do this is by using lasers to heat metals. This is done in industrial processes where metals need to be heated to a certain temperature before being processed. Another way that light can be used for heating purposes is with fiber optic cables, which are thin glass or plastic fibers designed to carry light from one point to another. In this case, the cable radiates light when supplied with electricity and emits it in all directions at once – making this an effective method of providing warmth in large areas such as lecture halls or sports arenas.

Producing Electricity

Light can also be used to produce electricity. This is done by using solar cells to convert light into electrical energy. Solar cells are made of materials that absorb light and then convert it into electricity. This type of cell is often used to power devices such as calculators, watches, and other small electronic gadgets. However, there is also a type of solar cell that can be used to generate electricity for larger devices such as homes or businesses. These cells are called photovoltaic panels and they are made up of smaller solar cells connected. When exposed to sunlight, the panels will generate a certain amount of electricity that can be used to power the building or device.

As you can see, light can be used in a variety of ways. From increasing plant growth to helping astronauts orient themselves, this special type of energy has many different applications. The technology for using light in these ways is constantly evolving, so be sure to keep an eye out for new developments.

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