There are many types of relationships. If you want to take yours to the next level and become more serious, then there are several ways that you can do this. However, before you commit yourself to your partner and take your relationship more seriously, you need to give it some serious thought. Is that what you really want? You must think this through before following this article’s steps so that you can be confident in your decision and won’t come to regret it.
This article will explain nine effective ways of taking your relationship to the next level:
Explore Your Sexuality
Exploring one another’s sexualities is a good way to take your relationship to another level. This is because you really have to trust somebody to allow them to find out more about your sexuality and what makes you tick. One easy way of exploring one’s sexuality is with sex toys. There are many different sex toys available, and by using them you will be able to find what brings you the most pleasure. The same goes for your partner. You could also experiment with different styles of pornography, and try different fetishes [like BDSM, etc].
Constant Support
Providing your partner with your undivided attention and giving them support when they are going through emotional difficulty is a good way to take your relationship to another level. It will make you and your partner’s relationship much more intimate. When they feel that they can confide anything in you [and vice versa], then your relationship is bound to succeed. Make sure to provide constant support to your partner and make sure that they know that you are always there for them through anything. They should also work to provide you with the same comfort.
Trusting One Another
Before you can take your relationship to the next level, you need to be sure that you really trust your partner. They also need to be sure that they trust you. A relationship can never become more serious if you don’t both trust each other. Building trust isn’t easy, but a trusting relationship is a necessity. If you can’t trust your partner [and they can’t trust you] then your relationship will disintegrate in no time at all. If you don’t trust your partner currently, then you should work out why that it is and then try to correct this.
Accountability is a very important part of any relationship. If neither person takes accountability and admits when they are wrong, arguments and disagreements will never be solved. Make sure to always take accountability when you are in the wrong and encourage your partner to do the same. The constant denial of guilt even when one is in the wrong is indicative of immaturity and carelessness. This immaturity can cause a lot of problems for your relationship. In fact, it can destroy it. It will be difficult to move on from disagreements if neither person can admit when they were at fault.
Sexual Satisfaction
Not only should you explore your sexuality with your partner, but you also need to be satisfied with your level of intimacy. If you aren’t then that’s a serious problem. If you aren’t happy with your relationship’s level of intimacy, then you need to talk this out with your partner. It can be an embarrassing subject, but it’s absolutely crucial to the health and longevity of your relationship. If there is anything that you want your partner to improve on, then work with them to become better. If there are any sexual health problems that need addressing, then ensure you [or your partner] go to see a doctor.
While you should both rely on each other, you should also be independent. A relationship where neither person is independent can be very unhealthy. These relationships often result in both people feeling dependent on one another. If you do notice that neither of you is really independent, or that you are unhealthily attached to your partner, then you need to figure out what’s going wrong. You may want to go and see a relationship counselor to address the source of the attachment and dependence.
Shared Values
Sharing your partner’s values is a sure-fire sign that your relationship is ready to go to the next level. While this isn’t a way of taking your relationship to the next level, it is a huge indication. If you and your partner agree on more or less everything, then it’s a very good sign. Often couples argue incessantly about small things, which can cause great trouble for the health and security of their relationship. If this isn’t the case for you and your partner, then you should consider taking things more seriously.
Handling Money
A source of a lot of trouble for couples these days seems to be money. If you and your partner have trouble communicating about money, then you need to sit down and sort this out before you can advance to the next level. A conversation about money doesn’t need to be awkward. Simply explain that you do not feel that you both handle it very well, and so need to be better at dealing with it. A good way to be more trusting with money and handle it better together is to open a joint savings account or a joint bank account.
Provide Safety
If you want your partner to take your relationship more seriously, then you need to do your best to give them security. Until you both feel safe and secure your relationship won’t be able to advance. Relationship security can make your partner feel confident that they have found the person that they will spend the rest of their life with. As we mentioned previously, opening a joint bank account is a good way to provide security. You could also consider moving in with them, or even getting married. All of these things provide a lot of security and make your relationship stronger.
If you want to take your relationship to the next level, then you need to begin implementing the tips listed in this article. Taking your relationship has myriad benefits, from making you feel more satisfied with your life to giving you a companion for the rest of it.