Are you experiencing problems dealing with your children being more interested in using smartphones and iPads than playing creatively? Are they breaking screens, sending accidental messages, and answering essential phone calls without your notice? Or are you losing money doing repairs or buying new phones? There is something you can do to solve this problem.
Some kids think the only source of fun is to play games on a smartphone or iPad. However, there are so many artsy ideas you can introduce in your home so kids don’t have to stare at screens all the time. Besides, the ideas are healthy for your children and fun for the entire family. Here are a few to consider:
Top 4 Artistic Ideas to Engage Your Family
1. Create a Beautiful Flower with Your Soda Bottle
It is possible to create a cute flower with your empty soda bottle whose bottom is flower-shaped. You just need to dip the bottle right side up into a non-toxic paint. Before dipping, lay out your favourite paint or flower colours on a paper plate. You can begin with 2 different colours with each paint blob being on a separate plate.
Then, dip the bottle’s bottom into the paint’s blob, and after that onto your canvas. Guess the result? You’ll see a very beautiful and complete flower with 5 petals as well as a bud in the middle. Next, draw a stem with your marker or paint. You can easily make a flower garden with different bottle sizes and colours.
2. Make Use of Unused Buttons
If you have a stashed some buttons somewhere because they do not have a use, it is possible to turn them into fun elements. Just paint an elementary painting of your choice on an oak tag or canvas. Then, apply glue on the button you would like to use for painting. Your kids could come up with so many imaginations while doing this.
3. Create a Puffy Painting at Home
This artsy idea combines arts and science to create fun for your kids. You can use food colouring and some materials from your kitchen, bathroom, or pantry. The process is simple and you can involve your children in it. Kids would love interacting with you as the whole family makes fun.
Just mix equal amounts of shaving cream and white glue in a mixing bowl. Add some water while mixing until you achieve a pancake-like batter. Afterwards, add food colouring and mix. Use a paintbrush or even a spoon to apply the resulting paint on paper. Have fun.
4. A Wand for Your Adorable Daughter
Every beautiful girl deserves a wand and so does yours. Just staple two ribbon strands on a straw’s edge. Then, cut out a small heart and a star heart in sheets of foam separately. The star ends up as the wand. Next, staple the wand where you stapled the ribbon strands. Then, glue the heart between the star and the straw.
You can turn your home into fun just by involving kids in simple artsy ideas. Their advantage is that they do not require special tools. You just need your household materials. With these and more ideas, you don’t have to struggle with your child again when it comes to smartphones and iPads.
If you want more artsy ideas, go to this website for more information on acrylic pouring.