When you see neon signages, what comes to your mind? Are you reminded of the tales you were told about how unsafe neon lights are to your health? Or do you wonder how much money must have been spent setting up a neon sign? If this is you, you have likely been fed some untrue revelations about Neon LED signs and lights.

This guide takes you through some common misconceptions, the truths about neon lights, and why it is a better lighting source than some other alternatives.

Common Misconceptions about Neon Lights

The popularity of Neon signages grew in the United States in the early ‘90s. However, the following century began to experience a decline in the production, purchase, and use of neon signages and lights. This decline is based on the environmental and health concerns brought by this lighting source, along with the high purchase and maintenance cost.

It is, therefore, safe to say that these concerns have caused a decline in the use of traditional neon signages. But people fail to realize that the Neon Lights prevalent in these seasons are manufactured differently and are much safer and more efficient. Let’s address some of these myths.

Safety Concerns

Myth: Many believe that Neon lights contain harmful chemicals and other substances that are toxic to the body

Truth: Neon signs and lights are made of Neon gas and Argon gas, and if you recollect correctly from your Chemistry classes, these gages are present in the very air we breathe in. if they were indeed harmful, they have had enough time to cause harm to our bodies.


Myth: The costs of purchasing, installing, and maintaining neon lights are high.

Truth: Compared to other illuminating forms in this present age, Neon signs do not cost much to purchase and can be installed easily and cheaply. Also, neon lights last for a long time and are energy conservating. Hence, you do not have to spend so much on maintenance or repairs.

Environmental Concerns

Myth: Neon materials are dangerous to the environment  

Truth: Neon lights and signages are environment-friendly. They do not cause havoc to the environment in terms of harmful substances. Also, you can easily recycle every substance they are made of, from the gases to the LED tubes, reducing the risk of polluting the environment.


Myth: Neon lights are fragile, can get damaged easily, and do not last long.

Truth: all lighting sources can get damaged when subjected to extreme conditions. However, Neon signages are highly resistant and can withstand some pressure. Neon signages emit light in 360 degrees; hence light can be seen from all angles. This feature helps prevent common dull spots typically seen in other light sources.

A typical neon light source lasts more than ten years with 24 hours of daily usage.

Voltage and Safety

Myth: High voltage runs through neon tubes and would burn the hand when touched.

Truth: It is not true that Neon lights get hot enough to burn, and there is no risk of electrocution. Most times, based on the color and design, neon signs look hot and dangerous. However, they do not burn users if they have been manufactured without faults.

Creativity and Versatility

Myth: Neon signs are not creative or versatile

Truth: Neon signs are made of flexible tubes, which makes it possible to create various shapes and forms. Also, neon signages have been adopted for use in various establishments and functions. Restaurants, bars, Offices, bedrooms, and events now have one or more neon signs hanging somewhere to create a pleasant atmosphere. 

Final Words: Flout the Myths

The misconceptions about neon signs have made many miss out on the great benefits that this source of light offers. Neon lights are perfect for indoor and outdoor functions; they are a great light source and can be adjusted to fit the function. They are also creative and aesthetically pleasing with their many color options.

Neon lights are manufactured in various forms; Floor lamps, signs, or Filament lamps. Therefore, ignore all the misconceptions surrounding Neon LED lights and imagine how great a neon sign adorning your space would look. Click here to find out various ways you can make this happen.

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