Many of us consider ourselves movie lovers, but there is a small group of people out there who truly love watching movies more than anything else.

For those of us who find nothing else as gratifying as re-watching an old classic or going to see the latest blockbuster, it can be difficult to find anything else to do. When you fancy branching out and trying something other than going to the movies or pressing play on the Blu-ray player, here are some great, movie-related hobbies just for you!

Collect Movie Memorabilia

If you’d like a hobby that allows you to express your love for movies in a brand-new way, why not try collecting memorabilia for your favorite titles? Most big movies with cult followings have licensed merchandise that you can find both online and in local stores.

Items like posters are great to have in your collection because they are not only a physical representation of your biggest passion, but they are also a great way to decorate your home. Many movies have beautiful posters that can be tastefully incorporated into the design of each room or even used as inspiration for a room’s color scheme.

If you have a family who doesn’t share your passion, however, decorating your bedroom or office with movie memorabilia is a great idea instead. In addition to plastering the walls with posters, you can also find a place for figurines from your favorite movies, games, and anime. Why not join in on the rising popularity of Nendoroid dolls by starting your own collection? Collecting these figurines, which are adorable, chibi-style, figures is the perfect hobby for any movie lover!

See a Drive-In Movie

Pulling up to a drive-in movie theater, ‘cutting the gas’ and catching a ‘cool’ movie is a classic American pastime that certainly isn’t being forgotten. While these theaters are no longer in their prime, there are many movie lovers across the US, and even in other parts of the world, who are reclaiming this age-old hobby.

Becoming a regular at a drive-in theater is the perfect hobby for lovers of classic movies rather than just the newest releases. While there are only a fraction of the thousands of drive-in movie theaters open in the 1950s remaining today, it isn’t too hard to find one near you.

And, if the closest one is too far of a drive to make it a regular hobby, why not create your own? All you need is a projector, which can be found online for a reasonable price nowadays, a car, and a blank wall to project your movie of choice onto. Gather your loved ones into the car, grab some popcorn, and you can experience even your favorite movie in a new, unique way – no matter how many times you’ve seen it before.

Become a Movie Reviewer

If you fancy yourself not only a movie lover but also a movie expert, dipping your toes into movie reviewing could be lots of fun! There are many sites where you can put forward your reviews of old and new movies alike, such as IMDb, so why not give it a go?

If you would like to peruse a hobby in film criticism, you may want to think about what is needed to make a good review. For example, start out with some basic information about the movie, including who directed and starred in it, and if it is a sequel, remake or adaptation. You should also think about elements such as the quality of acting, the cinematography and more – try thinking of the categories of the Oscars if you’re unsure of what to include!

Whether you opt to write reviews or collect cute figurines, these hobbies should be lots of fun for any movie lover. So why not give one a try?

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